Κινητήρας της χρονιάς αυτός της Ferrari F12berlinetta

Σχετικά άρθρα

To Βρετανικό περιοδικό EVO ψήφισε ως καλύτερο κινητήρα της χρονιάς τον V12 6,3-λίτρων κινητήρα της Ferrari F12berlinetta. O V12 κινητήρας είναι ατμοσφαιρικός 6.262 κ.εκ με περιεχόμενη γωνία 65°. Αποδίδει 740 άλογα στις 8.500 σ.α.λ με 690 Nm ροπής με 118 άλογα/λίτρο. Το 80% της ροπής είναι διαθέσιμη από τις 2.500 σ.α.λ προσφέροντας έτσι μια αδιάκοπη επιτάχυνση έως τις 8.700 σ.α.λ όπου στροφάρει ο V12. Συνδυάζεται με ένα 7-τάχυτο διπλοδισκό F1 κιβώτιο με κοντές σχέσεις μετάδοσης το οποίο έχει δημιουργηθεί αποκλειστικά για την F12berlinetta.

Τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα τα κάνει σε 3.1 δευτερόλεπτα, τα 0-200 χλμ/ώρα σε 8.5 δευτερόλεπτα με τελική ταχύτητα 340 χλμ/ώρα. Έχει μέση κατανάλωση 30% μικρότερη από αυτή της 599 εκπέμποντας 350 γρ/χλμ CO2.

Επίσης θα σου πω ότι αυτές τις ημέρες στην Αγγλία διεξάγεται το “Racing Legends” στο Dick Lovett Swindon, λίγο έξω από το Bristol, όπου το παρόν δίνουν πολλές Ferrari περασμένων δεκαετιών όπως οι Dino, 275 GTS, 275 GTB/4, 365 GTB4, 288 GTO, F40, F50, Enzo αλλά και η F12berlinetta.

[Πηγή: Ferrari]

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Maranello, 9 November 2012 – The Ferrari F12berlinetta has today been honoured with another prestigious award – this time from EVO magazine which nominated the 6.3 litre V12 engine as their “Engine of the Year”. The team at EVO magazine were impressed by the F12berlinetta engine’s prodigious 740hp power output and relentless “any-gear-any-revs urge”, especially when this extreme level of performance has not compromised efficiency, with a range of innovative technological solutions which reduce CO2 emissions by 30%.

Harry Metcalfe, Editor in Chief of EVO magazine commented, “When details of the new Ferrari F12’s engine specification first reached EVO HQ, we were frankly astonished at the quoted power output. 730bhp from 6.3 litres sets a new benchmark for a normally-aspirated V12 road engine and, despite its prodigious power, our road-testers reported it was perfectly tractable in regular driving. A remarkable achievement.”

The EVO recognition follows the car’s Auto Bild Design Award, The Sunday Times Driving’s “Best Supercar and Luxury Car” award and, just yesterday, the Golden Steering Wheel award from Auto Bild and Bild Am Sonntag, the first time a Ferrari has ever taken this leading German industry prize.


London, 09 November 2012 – Over £30m of rare and historic Ferraris were on display last night at Dick Lovett Swindon for an exclusive “Racing Legends” event for their Ferrari clients. On display were all the icons which represent Ferrari’s incredible heritage and unique position in the supercar market, with significant cars from every decade: Dino, 275 GTS, 275 GTB/4, 365 GTB4, 288 GTO, F40, F50, Enzo. Complementing this remarkable display of iconic supercars was the new F12berlinetta, Ferrari’s latest front-engined flagship performance V12, which has just won the Coupés/Cabrios category in the prestigious 2012 Goldenes Lenkrad (Golden Steering Wheel) awards organised by German car magazine Auto Bild in conjunction with the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. The F12berlinetta has also won EVO’s “Engine of the Year 2012”.

In addition to the range of iconic supercars at Dick Lovett Swindon, there were also a number of rare and historic racing Ferrari cars on display: a 750 Monza, the only 4-cylinder car ever made by Ferrari, and a factory entry in the 1955 Le Mans 24hr; a 250 LM which won the Daily Express Trophy Race at Silverstone and has an extensive racing history; a 330 P4, a sports prototype which famously finished 1-2-3 at the Daytona 24hr in 1967; an unique 365P which was produced specifically for non-works privateer race teams; and a 356 P2 which is one of only four such cars, with this specific example having raced at Le Mans, Brands Hatch and Reims in the 1960s.

On hand to recount their memories of racing these important sports-prototype Ferraris were Richard Attwood and David Piper, both of whom raced and won with these cars in period and in subsequent historic racing events such as the Goodwood Revival and the Silverstone Classic. Motor Sport’s Associate Editor, Ed Foster, hosted an exclusive and entertaining Q&A with Attwood and Piper, which is available as a podcast for download from the Motor Sport website: http://www.motorsportmagazine.com/race/sports-cars/ferrari-evening-with-piper-and-attwood/



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